Gynaecology or Obstetrics

Gynaecology & Obstetrics is a speciality that focuses on numerous health conditions that are related to the reproductive system in females. It is a broad range of speciality that covers several health conditions, illnesses and diseases. At Bhanavi Hospital’s Gynaecology Centre, we understand that illnesses and diseases are uncertain. Therefore, we are committed to supporting and providing you with the best possible treatment for your illnesses or conditions.
What is Gynaecology or Obstetrics: Gynaecology or Obstetrics is the medical and surgical speciality that deals with conditions related to the reproductive system in females. While Gynaecology means treating women in general, Obstetrics is one that deals with pregnant women and their unborn child. Most Gynaecologists and obstetricians use a broad range of medical and surgical procedures, a few of which include Gynaecology procedures such as laparoscopy, hysterectomies and cone biopsies; and obstetric procedures such as cervical sutures, caesarean or C-section and external cephalic version (ECV).
What is the first step:: The first phase of any treatment is to know and understand the signs and symptoms of disorders. For example, acne, weight gain, thin hair or excessive hair on the face, chest, thumbs, toes, or stomach, a deeper voice, infertility, pelvic pain and anxiety or depression are all signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).The Gynaecology Centre at Bhanavi Hospital features specialised doctors or Gynaecologists who look at various health issues, disorders and diseases that are related to women and their health. We support women through their lifelong journey right from the age of childbearing to menopause and beyond. We provide women with several Gynaecology services so as to ensure their well-being and good health. We believe in a team-based approach that includes you as a partner in the process of health care and healing.At Bhanavi Hospital, we provide comprehensive Gynaecology care and non-invasive diagnostic services for women of all ages. Along with consultation with our experienced Gynaecology, we also offer ongoing evaluation and management of your Gynaecological problems. We firmly believe in the prevention of diseases and provide services that are designed to promote the primary prevention of such health concerns. We ensure that Bhanavi Hospital ’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology Centre will be there to support you at every stage in your life.